Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nursery Update #3

We're still going on Olivia's room; it's coming along slowly, but surely.  Right now, the three big projects we have left are the second coat of paint, the open closet shelving thing (that one is definitely Andrew's) and the trim.  After that, lots of little things, but no more demolition or total chaos!  Here are some photos of our progress and one of my little craft projects for Olivia.

This is part of the picture frames that I made for her room:  

I bought some of the unfinished wood frames from Ikea (3 for $1.99), painted them, and put scrapbook paper in these two.  The other frames have animal cutouts (owl, bird, hedgehog) to match her room.  I'm hoping to make most of the artwork for her room.

Here's Andrew working hard to rip out the trim!

What would I do without him? :)

Nasty carpet is out and so is the dark trim...finally!

Andrew still working hard (don't be fooled by him sitting down on the job!)

Preview of the white trim (don't mind the paint job...still one more coat to go)

The finished floor.  We can't wait to see what it looks like with everything finished and cleaned up!

We don't have everything together yet, but here is a picture of our crib and changing table:

More updates to come soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos and the room! I can't wait to see little Olivia in there! Andrew is so cute with how excited he is for her to arrive! The crib is adorable and Andrew's idea for carving her name into the wood is so sweet!
